Two Miracles on Ice, 1910 and 1980

Frank Merriwell’s “Miracle on Ice” in 1910

Another Amazing Frank Merriwell Victory for Yale!

Unless you are a true nerd of America’s juvenile series heroes of the early 1900s, I’m sure your first question is, “Who in the world is Frank Merriwell?” If you were a good bit older, you would surely know.

I’m working on a book titled In Search of Yesterday’s Heroes which will fully answer that question, but now, to keep it short, Frank was the fictional, young, ultra-clean living, magnanimous and virtuous sports hero of literally millions of young readers, eventually tens of millions, (more…)

The Hidden Entrance (Under the Staircase Series)

More Economics Adventure for Kids in Book 2

Just as with the first book in this series, I wish I had been able to use it when I was teaching. I’m really glad a homeschooling friend clued me in. These books are fun, but they are also important.

In this second “economics for kids” adventure story, The Hidden Entrance, heroic duo Maya and Nate are now members of the secret Under the Staircase Society. (more…)

The Secret Under the Staircase (Under the Staircase Series)

Can you really teach “Econ 101” to young kids?

Is that possible? By way of a friend’s introduction, I’ve bought and read both Under the Staircase books and wish I’d found them much earlier, when I was teaching homeschoolers. I’ve not seen anything like these books anywhere else. I hope to see more of them in the future. I passed mine on to a homeschooler with young kids. I’ll probably buy more.

What if you have a genuine passion for foundational principles that actually work (more…)